Service Providers Who Want to Increase Their Profits & Reduce Their Time Commitments By Improving Their Online Presence with the Help of Automation


Are You An Overworked Service Provider Who Honestly Just Wants A Little More 'JOY' in Your Life?

Sick of Feeling Burnt Out? There is Another Way and That Way is Automation!

Do the Work Once and Sell It Many Times ... Just Like Books and Movies have Been Doing for Years.

Sick of Seeing People With Less Skills Than You Being Paid More and Attracting Your Ideal Clients?

To Think That You Have Undertaken So Much Training Over the Years and It's Not Being Recognised Because You Don't Know How to Share it with the World. Enter the Unique Framework Creation and You Can Finally Find a Way to Share ALL of Your Gifts.

Some Days It Feels Like Everyone Else Has The Online World Secret Magical Formula ... and No-One Has Shared It With You!

What if that could all change today ... how would you like the exact formula that high profit companies use everyday to ensure their clients enjoy a wonderful experience and are raving to come back for more?



Solidify Business Offerings

  • What do you offer your client and when? Determine the right offer at the right time.

  • Assess the choices for a Freemium (Free & Premium) Offer for potential leads.

  • Sharing your best work at the first step will build trust rather than a flaky offer.

  • How do you determine the workflow to ensure it is a mix of digital and in person offerings?

  • Work out how to offer 1 to many services as well as traditional 1:1 offers

  • Always have more valuable offers for your raving fans - they want it! This alone could add THOUSANDS per month to your income.

Identify Unique Frameworks

  • Expand the Business Offerings into a lot more detail to be clear about what the customer needs along the way.

  • Customer journey from lead to repeat sales goes through a process of transformation and knowing what stage your customer is at is imperative.

  • Your business has a unique way of operating and it's worth taking the time to map it out to see what steps can be optimised.

  • Ensuring that more leads make it through the whole customer journey and don't just purchase bits and pieces.

Step-by-Step Automation

  • Shows you exactly where and how you can make more money.

  • Indicates what is digital and what is offline.

  • Exact blueprint for when to add an email sequence.

  • Which funnels to use and when.

  • Clear Sales Strategies on how to increase your income by utilising effective email marketing to boost client spend and never lose potential leads who just need more time and/or more information.

What's Included in the Sales Strategy Session?

Solidify Business Offerings

Evaluate and decide the best customer ascension process to ensure the fullest transformation for your clients whilst also allowing you to increase your income and to maximise digital offerings to work with more people than 1:1.

Identify Unique Frameworks

When there is a clear pathway from A-Z that you know that your clients are going to need to go through, then the stress on your end is eased and the experince for the customer increases because they feel seen and cared for.

Step-By-Step Automation

In the technological world we live in, there are some automations that make the world easier for humans, so let's use them. This is not AI writing your copy or art, this is allowing software to send emails to free up your precious time.

If you are ready to get ahead and live your full potential,

then book in a Sales Strategy Session Today!

  • 90 minutes Zoom Session Focused on Improving Your Business

  • Sales Strategy Session with Trained Business Coaches available online anywhere in the world

  • Solidify Business Offerings - take you on a journey to discover your digital and in person offerings and how they can work together in a way that creates a seamless process for your customers and serves them better than they are being served right now.

  • Identify Unique Frameworks - Deep dive into the intricacies of your business and what makes your offerings stand out from the crowd and unique in the marketplace so that no-one can really follow exactly what you do, only you can deliver what your clients need right now.

  • Step-by-Step Automation - Allow technology a role to play - from the information on your website, to the orchestrated sales process of a sales funnel all the way to the automated email sequences that will free up your time whilst giving your customers the 'full' experience of your expertise.

  • 90 minutes Zoom Session Focused on Your Improving Your Business

  • Sales Strategy Session with Trained Business Coaches available online anywhere in the world

  • Solidify Business Offerings - take you on a journey to discover your digital and in person offerings and how they can work together in a way that creates a seamless process for your customers and serves them better than they are being served right now. (valued at over $2000)

  • Identify Unique Frameworks - Deep dive into the intricacies of your business and what makes your offerings stand out from the crowd and unique in the marketplace so that no-one can really follow exactly what you do, only you can deliver what your clients need right now.

    (valued at over $1500)

  • Step-by-Step Automation - Allow technology a role to play - from the information on your website, to the orchestrated sales process of a sales funnel all the way to the automated email sequences that will free up your time whilst giving your customers the 'full' experience of your expertise. (valued at over $2000)




Human Design Prosperity Keynotes

Brought to You By Natural Flow Alchemy

  • Prosperity Keywords Drawn From Your Personal Energetic Mechanics.

    (requires birth date to be supplied)

  • Support Your Sales and Marketing Copywriting

  • Magnetise Wealth and Prosperity to You

  • Embrace Who You Are and Your Unique Way of Service to the World.


Everything Included in the Sales Strategy Session:

  • 90 minutes Zoom Session Focused on Improving Your Business

  • Sales Strategy Session with Trained Business Coaches available online anywhere in the world

  • Solidify Business Offerings - take you on a journey to discover your digital and in person offerings and how they can work together in a way that creates a seamless process for your customers and serves them better than they are being served right now.

  • Identify Unique Frameworks - Deep dive into the intricacies of your business and what makes your offerings stand out from the crowd and unique in the marketplace so that no-one can really follow exactly what you do, only you can deliver what your clients need right now.

  • Step-by-Step Automation - Allow technology a role to play - from the information on your website, to the orchestrated sales process of a sales funnel all the way to the automated email sequences that will free up your time whilst giving your customers the 'full' experience of your expertise.


  • Human Design Awaken Your Prosperity Keywords

  • 90 minutes Zoom Session Focused on Your Improving Your Business

  • Sales Strategy Session with Trained Business Coaches available online anywhere in the world

  • Solidify Business Offerings - take you on a journey to discover your digital and in person offerings and how they can work together in a way that creates a seamless process for your customers and serves them better than they are being served right now. (valued at over $2000)

  • Identify Unique Frameworks - sldkslkdlks (valued at over $1500)

  • Step-by-Step Automation - alsdlsdks (valued at over $2000)


  • Strengths Report Discover Your Top 5 Gallup Strengths

  • Human Design Awaken Your Prosperity Keywords


If you are ready to get ahead and live your full potential,

then book in a Sales Strategy Session Today!

Limited Spaces Due to Business Coaches Availability - Book Now

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