Funnel Building Secrets

This is for those who have had ENOUGH with the NLP trained manipulation tactics of the Funnel World.

If you enjoy that kind of marketing, then off you go, this isn't for you.

For those who want to learn a better way ... it's really quite simple ... I can't belive it's been overlooked for so long.

OK here is secret number one:

Be Yourself!

No fake it until you make it!

Show up everyday, using your own language, wearing your favourite clothes and not trying to outdo or compete with anyone.

It's a hard concept to fully integrate, we are so used to being pitted against one another, but in truth we can only ever compete with ourselves as there is no-one else in the world like us - anywhere.

This is how the digital space and funnel building has finally cracked open the door for the ability for people to showcase their unique talents. Put it together with social media and you have a golden opportunity to connect with your tribe.

So how did we get to where we are?

It seems that the greatest tools for freedom have been turned and twisted inside out and it's become a land of fake imposters who lie and cheat and manipulate to get what they want without caring for others.

Here's a potential answer for that ... humans aren't all that nice.

Yep, I said it - these tools can only amplify who we are, not create it, so it turns out that on a mass scale, the current load of humanity has a long way to go to understand compassion, truth and humility.

What we can change is one person at a time.

Stand up, be proud and own your individual skills and talents and start sharing from a space of want rather than desperation.

Second secret is ...

Social Media Accounts are People - mostly ;)

Forget about the bots and other fake accounts, concentrate on the majority that are run by actual flesh and blood people.

They are just like you and completely different from you all at the same time.

When we communicate online, it should be no different to when you are at a busy marketplace surrounded by lots of people.

I would love to think that you would never walk up to someone and force your service and/or products onto others.

(if you would ... stop it!)

And it should be the same online.

Our social rules of engagement and etiquette don't need to disappear just because we are online.

Start to think of new people online as your best friends that you just haven't met yet, and I'm sure that you will start to treat them better.

Every interaction, potential lead, customer and referral should be treated in the way you want to treated.

With courtesy and respect as solid foundations.

Final secret for today is ...

Money is an Exchange for Products & Services

If we boil down the question - what is money? - we usually arrive at the conclusion that money is an exchange for products & services.

When we keep this in mind, we need to ensure that we are always offering amazing services and products.

Money is actually not the end game, exchange is!

Focusing only on what you are getting and only making it about the money will rob you of a full experience.

There is a joy in sharing your skills and talents with others, and one that could be embraced more often.

If we go into all of our business interactions with the full intention to service, not only will the client feel that extra care and attention, you will actually enjoy the process a whole lot more!

Making sure that you are always offering the best possible service will naturally lead to more business, and it will also fill you with a sense of purpose, which we all need to thrive in this world.

This is when our mentality can shift into a space of 'never working a day in your life' ... because you are full immersed and totally enjoying what you are doing.

Do you have this right now?

A business that you absolutely love?

And the big question is - are you sharing and selling it in a way that fills you up not drains you?

When You Are Ready to Embrace the

New Funnel Secrets Then Reach Out Below

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Enjoying Life and Living it on Purpose!

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